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  • Attendance

    Attendance, attendance, attendance! I cannot stress enough how important your child’s attendance in school is. We need to start this year ensuring that our children are in school every day. The Government have a clear plan to improve attendance and parents will know from our recent OFSTED report that we must improve attendance here at Cape. When your child is late or when they get taken out of school for an appointment, or the miss a day, they are missing out on valuable learning time. This could result in them falling behind and not achieving their full potential. Myself and my governors expect children to come to school every day. You will notice that if attendance or punctuality starts to slip then Mrs Saghir will be making an appointment with you to identify the reasons why. If you, yourself, has an appointment then you should make arrangements for your child to be collected at the end of the school day, not taking them out of school during the day or early. You must also inform school of the name of the person collecting your child so not to cause embarrassment to the person collecting. Last year we had some children that had fantastic attendance and made great progress, let’s aim for every child to be in that category this year.