Welcome meetings! Last year we ran welcome meetings for each year group so that all parents had the opportunity to meet their child’s new class teachers. We will be holding the meetings again this year. It is a chance for parents to find out about the learning in the year group and some very important points in the year, for example deadlines for secondary applications or SATs dates. It was wonderful to see so many parents last year and we would love to see you all again. Mrs Roberts will also be available at the meeting to talk about any issues we may be able to offer help with. Light refreshments will also be available.
Monday 25th September, 9.00am – Year 3 Parents
Tuesday 26th September, 9.00am – Year 4 Parents
Wednesday 27th September, 9.00am – Year 5 Parents
Thursday 28th September, 9.00am – Year 6 Parents
Friday 29th September, 9.00am – Year 1 Parents
Monday 2nd October, 9.00am – Year 2 Parents
Tuesday 3rd October, 9.00am – Reception Parents