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Year 5

A very warm welcome from the Year 5 staff  

  • Miss Moss (5A)
  • Mrs Loveridge & Miss Chapman (5B) 
  • Mrs Scott (5C) 
  • Mrs Powell - PPA cover
  • Mrs Kaur - LSP
  • Mrs Rahim - LSP

PE Days

  • 5A - Tuesday and Friday
  • 5B - Wednesday and Friday
  • 5C - Monday and Friday

Please ensure that your child comes in appropriate school PE kits including trainers or pumps. Please remove jewellery and make sure that girls wear short headscarves (if worn) - for safety reasons!!  

Spring Term Curriculum Leaflet

Autumn Term Curriculum Leaflet

Useful Websites for Home Learning

We have now removed the completed home learning lessons from the website. Here is a great list of websites you can use at home.

Logins (your child has their own login for these websites)

All Subjects:


